The image showcases a magnificent example of traditional Siberian wooden architecture – a two-story mansion with elaborate wood carving, characteristic of Russian wooden craftsmanship from the late 19th to early 20th century. The house demonstrates what is often called "Siberian Art Nouveau" with elements of folk architecture.
The facade of the building is a true masterpiece of wood carving art. The lower floor is constructed of horizontally laid logs, while the upper floor, also wooden, features abundant decorative ornamentation. Particularly eye-catching are the intricate window frames – executed in white, creating an expressive contrast with the warm brown tone of the main structure. Each window frame represents a complex composition of carved elements with floral and geometric motifs.
The roof has a complex form with decorative pediments in the shape of pointed triangles, characteristic of traditional Russian style. Elegant spires with decorative elements crown the roof. The cornice is adorned with decorative valances and a carved frieze, adding airiness and elegance to the building.
Also noteworthy are the decorative elements along the perimeter of the facade – vertical carved columns and a frieze with ornamental motifs. The fence and gates continue the overall style of the house, creating a cohesive architectural ensemble. The winter landscape with snow-covered territory emphasizes the authenticity of this historical object in the context of Russian culture.