The image showcases a row of brick townhouses in a neoclassical style, distinguished by their expressive façade solutions. The main façade material is red brick, laid using various decorative masonry patterns that give the surface a rich texture. Particularly eye-catching are the characteristic terracotta tile roofs with a noticeable slope, creating a rhythmic visual accent along the entire line of development.
The architectural composition is enriched by protruding porches with decorative pediments framed by white wooden elements, creating a pleasant contrast with the brickwork. The window openings are large, vertically oriented, with neat white framing, which contributes to good natural lighting of the interior spaces. Some façades are complemented by green tile elements, which adds color diversity to the overall composition of the ensemble.
The façades are organized according to the principle of rhythmic repetition with individual variations for each house, creating a sense of unity while maintaining visual diversity. The landscaping with neatly trimmed shrubs and well-maintained lawns complements the architectural composition, emphasizing its orderliness and respectability.
When designing your own façade, you can borrow techniques such as using contrasting materials (brick and white wooden elements), creating an expressive silhouette through decorative porches and pediments, as well as a thoughtful combination of different brick masonry textures to achieve visual diversity of the surface.