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Decorative Brick Façade with Art Nouveau Bronze Pilasters

#6351. Decorative Brick Façade with Art Nouveau Bronze Pilasters

The image shows a fragment of a building façade that combines elements of Art Nouveau and early modernism. The main structure is made of warm sandy-colored brickwork, which creates a textural foundation for the decorative elements.

Particularly noteworthy are the vertical pilasters with richly decorated bronze or copper panels. Each panel features relief ornamentation and is flanked by stylized zoomorphic figures reminiscent of Egyptian motifs. The pilasters are crowned with intricate floral capitals with detailed carvings, creating an effect of openwork and lightness that contrasts with the massiveness of the base.

The upper part of the window openings is framed by a metal structure supporting canopies with integrated lighting fixtures. A thin metal frame of a greenish hue surrounds the entire storefront composition, emphasizing the geometry of the façade.

This façade demonstrates a masterful combination of functionality and decorativeness, characteristic of commercial architecture from the early 20th century, when storefronts became an important element of the urban landscape and served not only utilitarian purposes but also fulfilled an aesthetic function.

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