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Neo-Moorish Facade with Arcade and Stained Glass Elements

#6198. Neo-Moorish Facade with Arcade and Stained Glass Elements

The presented facade displays an exquisite example of Neo-Moorish architectural style with characteristic elements inspired by Islamic architecture. The facade features a rhythmic arrangement of slender columns creating an arcade with horseshoe arches typical of the Moorish tradition.

The white walls of the facade serve as an elegant backdrop for the decorative elements. Noteworthy are the geometric patterns in the form of green crosses inlaid in the upper part of the facade between the arches. Behind the columns, magnificent stained glass windows with colorful mosaic ornaments can be seen, combining geometric and floral motifs.

A distinctive feature of the facade is the contrast between the clean white plaster and the vibrant colored elements: green cross-like motifs, multicolored stained glass, and the bright green base of the columns. The column bases, painted white, create a visual connection with the main tone of the wall while standing out against the green platform.

All these elements together create a harmonious, rhythmic facade with rich textural and color solutions, representing an excellent example of adapting the historical Moorish style to a more contemporary architectural context.

Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"