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Openwork Metal Facade: Weaving of Lines and Perspectives

#6053. Openwork Metal Facade: Weaving of Lines and Perspectives

Before us is an exquisite example of modern wrought iron artistry embodied in a grand gate. This work of metal plasticity demonstrates a remarkable balance between functionality and aesthetics. The gate is secured between two massive light-colored concrete columns, creating a striking contrast with the dark metallic pattern.

Compositionally, the gate is constructed around a central arch that visually creates an effect of perspective and depth. This optical technique is enhanced by the geometric pattern of lines converging toward the center of the structure. The upper part of the gate is crowned with an elegant curved finial featuring delicate spiral elements reminiscent of waves or plant motifs.

Particularly noteworthy is the craftsmanship of the curved metal forms – numerous curved lines, spirals, and curls create a dynamic, almost organic composition that contrasts with the geometric rigor of the central part. White panels serve as a background for this metal lace, highlighting the elegance of the metalwork and adding lightness to the entire structure.

The rhythmic repetition of patterns and symmetry of the composition give the gate monumentality and prominence, making it not just a functional element but also a notable architectural accent.

Cladding project of a cottage.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"