Before us is a beautiful example of Portuguese architecture with characteristic façade decoration of traditional azulejo ceramic tiles. The building is a snow-white two-to-three-story structure with a symmetrical composition of the main façade. The central part is accentuated by three arched entrances framed by blue ceramic panels.
Special expressiveness is given to the façade by numerous decorative elements made of blue and white ceramics, which form a complex ornamental pattern around windows, under cornices, and in other architectural details. The ground floor features large panels with picturesque scenes depicting urban landscapes and figures in traditional clothing, which is typical for historical Portuguese architecture.
The architectural solution includes classical elements such as strict rectangular windows with white frames, wrought iron balconies, and a terracotta tile roof with a characteristic silhouette. The harmonious combination of white plastered wall surfaces and bright blue ceramic panels creates a memorable appearance that reflects the region's rich cultural heritage. The paved square in front of the building complements the architectural ensemble, emphasizing its significance in the urban space.