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Classic Brick Mansion with Ionic Portico: Elegant Federal-Style Façade

#5296. Classic Brick Mansion with Ionic Portico: Elegant Federal-Style Façade

The image showcases an excellent example of classical American architecture in the Federal style — a brick mansion with characteristic symmetrical proportions and elegant details. The two-story building is constructed of red brick with a foundation of roughly hewn stone, creating an effect of visual stability for the structure.

The façade of the building is distinguished by strict symmetry and classical proportions. The central entrance is accentuated by a portico with four Ionic columns supporting a small balcony on the second floor. The white wooden elements of the portico, including the columns and balustrade, create a striking contrast with the brickwork of the main volume of the building. An elegant white staircase with simple railings leads to the entrance, flanked on both sides by decorative planters with vegetation.

The window openings on the first and second floors are designed in a unified style — with green wooden shutters that emphasize the historical authenticity of the building. The horizontal cornice line, characteristic of the Federal style, is complemented by a light trim that visually separates the main volume of the building from the roof. Two symmetrically placed brick chimneys complete the composition.

The surrounding landscape with large trees creates a harmonious framing for this historic building, emphasizing its manor-like character and connection with the natural environment.

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