Art Nouveau/Gothic, at the same time grey/turquoise

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White neoclassical façade with arched windows and Art Nouveau decorative panels

#4742. White neoclassical façade with arched windows and Art Nouveau decorative panels

This elegant façade represents an excellent example of neoclassical architecture with Art Nouveau elements. The white stone wall of the façade is constructed from carefully processed rectangular blocks, creating an impression of exquisite simplicity and nobility.

The architectural composition is built on the symmetry of three arched windows: a central, larger one, and two smaller side windows. All three windows are framed by elegant semicircular arches with emphasized keystones. The contrast between the white façade and dark green window frames gives the building a special expressiveness.

The central element of the composition is complemented by a graceful wrought iron balcony with decorative ornamentation. The balcony railing demonstrates masterful artistic ironwork with floral motifs on the sides and a geometric pattern in the central section.

Of particular note are two decorative panels located between the windows – they are executed in Art Nouveau style with profile portraits in medallions, framed by ornamental motifs. These vibrant details add an artistic accent to the strict geometry of the façade.

The combination of classical proportions with Art Nouveau elements creates a harmonious image characteristic of European urban architecture from the early 20th century.

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