The photograph showcases an excellent example of traditional American Southern Colonial architecture — a single-story residence with an elevated basement. The façade is clad in pale yellow (or cream) siding, which is typical for historic buildings in the Southern states.
The central part of the façade is adorned with a classical portico featuring white columns supporting the pediment. A wide white staircase with railings leads to the entrance, creating a ceremonial approach to the house. The symmetrical arrangement of windows with dark green shutters on both sides of the entrance emphasizes the classical proportions of the building.
Of particular note is the basement level with arched openings, painted white, creating an interesting contrast with the main volume of the house. The roof has a traditional hipped structure with two symmetrically placed brick chimneys, characteristic of the architecture from that period.
The house is framed by a white wooden fence and surrounded by mature trees, which complements its historical appearance and indicates its historical value as a property that may be protected as an architectural landmark.