This image captures a beautiful example of modernist architecture with clear influences from Catalan Art Nouveau. The facade of this two-story building showcases a characteristic wavy cornice line framed with brickwork, creating a soft yet expressive silhouette against the bright blue sky.
The central part of the facade is marked by three vertical elements that give the composition a rhythmic quality. Windows and doors are framed with stepped brick arches, enhancing the decorative effect. Particularly eye-catching are the turquoise wooden shutters that contrast beautifully with the white stucco walls and terracotta brickwork.
A distinctive blue ceramic tile forms a horizontal line encircling the facade, giving it a Mediterranean character. The central balcony with wrought iron railings emphasizes the symmetry of the composition. The lower floor is partially finished with stone masonry, creating a textural contrast with the upper part of the building.
The architectural solution combines decorativeness with functionality, while the color palette of turquoise, white, terracotta, and blue gives the building a special Mediterranean charm, demonstrating skillful mastery of form and materials.