Art Nouveau, at the same time grey

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Elegant Art Nouveau Sgraffito Facade with Rich Floral Ornamentation

#1862. Elegant Art Nouveau Sgraffito Facade with Rich Floral Ornamentation

Before us is an exquisite example of decorative art on the facade of a historic building, executed in a style characteristic of late eclecticism or Art Nouveau from the early 20th century. The facade is adorned with luxurious sgraffito — a special decorative finishing technique where the design is scratched through fresh plaster, creating fine contrasting patterns.

The compositional solution of the facade is symmetrical, with three vertical decorative panels filled with elegant floral ornaments. The central panel is wider than the side ones and contains a more complex pattern with vases, floral garlands, and stylized acanthus leaves. The lateral pilasters are decorated with similar but varied ornaments, creating a rhythmic integrity throughout the entire composition.

Windows with dark wooden shutters are organized in three levels and framed by decorative elements. Small circular medallions between the windows add visual accents and emphasize the vertical articulation of the facade. The color scheme is built on a harmonious combination of light plaster and darker ornamental areas, enhancing the plastic expressiveness of the surface.

Brick elements are visible on the sides of the facade, contrasting with the main decorative plane and highlighting the sophistication of the central part. Such ornamental richness was characteristic of urban architecture at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries in Europe, when the aesthetic component of the facade became a crucial element of a building's architectural image.

Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"