Contemporary, at the same time grey/purple/motley

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Modern Minimalist Townhouse Facade with Contrasting Zoning

#16152. Modern Minimalist Townhouse Facade with Contrasting Zoning

Before us is a striking example of a modern urban townhouse with a minimalist facade design. The building stands out against the neighboring development with its laconic geometry and clear division into functional zones. The facade is compositionally divided into two parts: the upper part, faced with light-colored tiles with horizontal layout, and the lower dark gray section, where the entrance group and garage door are located.

The architectural solution is characterized by a play of contrasts — light and dark, solid surfaces and window openings. Special attention should be paid to the non-standard arrangement of windows on the facade, creating dynamic asymmetry. The vertical window on the second floor and two horizontal windows on the third floor form an interesting composition, complemented by a dark insert that visually unites the window openings.

The precise geometrism is emphasized by dark framing around the perimeter of the building, which gives the structure a complete look. The design uses modern materials: structured tiles with pronounced texture for the upper part and smooth dark panels for the lower level. The minimalist entrance door with vertical glazing and the horizontal lines of the garage door support the overall geometric concept.

When designing your own facade, you can adopt the technique of contrasting division into functional zones, play with asymmetrical window placement, and use different textures in the finishing. Such an approach allows you to create an expressive and memorable appearance even with relatively modest building dimensions.

Create a exterior design for country house.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"