Artistic/Oriental, at the same time beige/brown

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Dynamic wooden facade with an expressive pitched roof and frame structure

#15840. Dynamic wooden facade with an expressive pitched roof and frame structure

A magnificent example of modern architecture with a pronounced influence of the organic tradition. The facade of the building features a dramatic pitched roof with a wide overhang, creating a dynamic silhouette. The structural system of the facade is organized using an open wooden frame of vertical and horizontal elements, which not only performs a load-bearing function but also forms an expressive rhythmic pattern.

The material solution of the facade is based on the contrast between the warm texture of wood and the cold texture of stone masonry. Large blocks of natural stone in the lower part create a sense of solidity, while wooden elements give the structure lightness and airiness. Extensive glazing between the structural elements of the frame provides a visual connection between the interior and the surrounding landscape.

Special attention should be paid to the organization of the transition zone between the house and the garden — a covered terrace with minimalist furniture organically fits into the architecture of the building thanks to the continuation of the structural lines of the roof. The landscaping directly adjoins the facade, softening the geometry of architectural forms.

When designing your own facade, you can adopt techniques such as using contrasting natural materials, creating a rhythmic structure with an open frame, designing an expressive roof silhouette, and integrating transitional spaces between the house and the landscape.

Our studio creates a new image of the country house including facades and interiors.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"