Before us is an impressive example of modern urban architecture, skillfully combining various materials and textures. The facade of this compact building demonstrates masterful use of vertical wooden louvers that create a rhythmic composition in the foreground. These warm wooden elements contrast with the minimalist gray and white volumes of the building, adding textural interest and natural warmth.
Particularly notable is the work with wooden panels at the second-floor level, where they serve not only an aesthetic but also a functional role—likely acting as sun shading screens. The architect has created an interesting play with rhythm: some wooden slats are installed at angles, giving the facade dynamism and visual depth.
The ground floor is designed with large panoramic glazing that ensures visual connection between the interior space and exterior. Through the glass, one can see a minimalist interior with a modern kitchen and light wooden flooring, creating a sense of continuity in materials and concept. The openness of the lower level contrasts with the more enclosed second floor, which is a characteristic technique in contemporary residential architecture.
For private home construction, this approach to facade design offers several valuable ideas: using vertical wooden elements as a way to add texture and warmth to a modern building; combining enclosed and open spaces to create an interesting composition; skillful use of contrasts between different materials (wood, concrete, glass); and playing with facade depth to create a dynamic visual effect.