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Elegant country mansion with shingle facade: harmony of asymmetry and natural materials

#10675. Elegant country mansion with shingle facade: harmony of asymmetry and natural materials

Here we see an excellent example of a classic American country mansion in the Shingle style, characteristic of the northeastern US coast. The facade is clad in traditional cedar shingles in a sandy hue, giving the building an elegant yet cozy appearance.

The architectural composition of the house features harmonious asymmetry and multi-dimensionality. The two-story main volume is complemented by side wings of varying heights and protruding bay windows, creating an interesting play of volumes and shadows. The complex roof form with several dormers and tall light-colored brick chimneys adds vertical accents to the building.

The thoughtful window composition deserves special attention. Classic double-hung windows with small panes are framed by contrasting dark gray shutters, creating a rhythmic pattern on the facade. The central second-floor window, larger in size and without shutters, becomes the compositional dominant of the front facade.

The covered terrace on the right provides a smooth transition between the house and garden, with outdoor furniture creating a comfortable space for relaxation. The entrance area is designed with minimal emphasis - a laconic portico harmoniously fits into the overall composition.

A similar approach can be used when designing your own home: natural materials (shingles, natural wood), a restrained but expressive color palette (main neutral tone with contrasting accents), asymmetrical but balanced composition, and attention to details (window frames, shutters, architectural decor) will help create a simultaneously elegant and cozy image of a country house.

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