Art Nouveau/Gothic, at the same time grey/turquoise

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Stepped Decorative Facade with Floral Stucco

#939. Stepped Decorative Facade with Floral Stucco

The photograph showcases an exquisite example of a stepped decorative facade element, characteristic of Art Nouveau or Neoclassical architecture. The composition is designed as a symmetrical stepped pediment with elegant stucco work.

The central part of the facade element is adorned with a relief composition featuring floral motifs — stylized flowers (resembling daisies or asters) on curved stems, surrounded by decorative scrolls and leaves. In the lower part of the ornament, there is a circular medallion with a cross-shaped element.

The main beige background is complemented by an intricate pattern executed in sgraffito or painting technique, with floral motifs creating a subtle contrast with the relief elements. The stepped structure is accentuated by small decorative elements in the corners of each level. The upper part of the composition is crowned with a small ornament of floral elements.

The entire structure demonstrates the mastery of architectural decoration from the early 20th century, when special attention was paid to details and ornamentation designed to emphasize the aesthetic qualities of the building and reflect the artistic trends of its time.

Individual project of reconstruction of a country house.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"