Artistic/Oriental, at the same time beige/brown

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Dynamic Asymmetrical Facade with Contrasting Finishes

#9077. Dynamic Asymmetrical Facade with Contrasting Finishes

Before us is an expressive example of residential architecture in a style close to the Prairie School with echoes of Arts and Crafts. The house features a characteristic triangular facade with a high pitched asymmetrical gable that creates a dynamic silhouette. The walls are finished in light stucco with a textured finish, which contrasts beautifully with the dark brown wooden window frames and roofing elements.

Special attention is drawn to the composition of windows: a semicircular attic window in the upper part of the gable, a horizontal ribbon window on the second floor, and protruding bay windows on the first floor with wide openings. This arrangement creates a visual rhythm while providing good natural lighting to the interior spaces. The wooden trim around the windows with pronounced muntins adds texture and warmth to the facade.

The architectural composition is complemented by wide overhanging eaves with exposed rafter tails, which enhances the play of light and shadow on the facade. The side porch and small covered entrance porch with the house number (212) are organically integrated into the overall composition. The landscape design with low shrubs along the foundation emphasizes the horizontal lines of the house.

When designing a similar facade, it's important to pay attention to proportions, the contrast of textures and materials, and work with natural light. Using overhanging eaves not only creates expressive shadows but also protects the walls from precipitation. Combining different types of windows achieves both aesthetic effect and functionality, while the use of natural materials in the finishing gives the building authenticity and durability.

Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"