Contemporary/barnhouse, at the same time grey/yellow

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Modern House with Contrasting Brick and Wood Façade

#7503. Modern House with Contrasting Brick and Wood Façade

The image showcases a modern residential house with a distinct geometric silhouette and a contrasting façade solution. The composition is based on a combination of dark brick with warm wooden inserts, creating an expressive visual contrast. The pitched roof with a sharp angle adds a dynamic appearance to the building, while several dormer windows provide natural lighting to the upper level.

The façade demonstrates an interesting compositional technique: wooden panels are used as accent elements framing the window openings and entrance area. This approach not only creates visual interest but also softens the austerity of the brickwork. The window openings vary in size and proportion, adding dynamism to the façade composition. Particularly notable is the large corner window, which likely illuminates a common space inside the house.

The landscaping solution of the plot is minimalistic and orderly, with a neatly trimmed lawn and young trees that will eventually integrate organically into the architectural composition. The site improvement includes small flower beds with low-growing plants along the façade, emphasizing the modern character of the architecture. The house harmoniously fits into the surrounding development, representing an example of a contemporary interpretation of a private dwelling within the context of a traditional suburban neighborhood.

Prices for facade design for private house.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"