Art Nouveau/Gothic, at the same time grey/turquoise

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Art Nouveau Facade with Majolica Panel and Stucco Decoration

#4871. Art Nouveau Facade with Majolica Panel and Stucco Decoration

The image shows a fragment of a building facade in the Art Nouveau style, where elements of classical decorative design are combined with artistic motifs characteristic of the Art Nouveau era. The central place in the composition is occupied by a magnificent ceramic panel executed in majolica technique. The panel depicts a female profile in a typical Art Nouveau style — with smooth, flowing lines and characteristic color scheme.

The panel is designed in an exquisite color palette with predominant soft pink, blue, and golden tones. The framing of the female profile is complemented by the image of peacock feathers — a favorite motif of Art Nouveau artists. To the right of the panel, one can see rich stucco decoration with floral motifs, garlands, and a heraldic cartouche, indicating the transitional nature of the building's architecture, combining elements of classicism and the new style.

The condition of the facade indicates the need for restoration — cracks and signs of destruction in the upper part are visible, however, the decorative elements have retained their expressiveness. This fragment is a fine example of how in the early 20th century, the artistic design of facades became an integral part of the architectural solution of a building, transforming utilitarian structures into works of art.

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