The image shows a two-story residential house executed in a modern interpretation of classical style. The facade demonstrates an interesting combination of textures and materials: the main part of the walls is faced with light brown brick, which contrasts with smooth light plastered surfaces.
The architectural composition of the house is characterized by balance and symmetry. Particular attention is drawn to the semicircular elements of the mansard roof with arched windows, which give the building an expressive silhouette. The brick chimney organically fits into the overall ensemble of the roof.
The facade is enriched with decorative elements: elegant metal railings of the second-floor balcony with ornamental patterns, as well as artistic framing of window openings with characteristic decorative casings. Windows with dark red frames create a bright accent against the background of brickwork.
The first floor is accentuated by columns supporting the balcony and creating a small terrace in front of the entrance. Steps lead to the main entrance, which is also emphasized by a dark red door that matches the color of the window frames. Overall, the facade demonstrates a thoughtful combination of functionality and aesthetics with elements of modern interpretation of classical motifs.