Russian Mansion, at the same time orange

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Carved wooden window surround with protective birds on a log house facade

#4007. Carved wooden window surround with protective birds on a log house facade

The photograph captures a magnificent example of traditional Russian wooden architecture — a window opening in the wall of a log house, adorned with a richly decorated window surround (nalichnik). This architectural element represents a striking example of folk wood carving art characteristic of Russian wooden architecture.

The facade window is framed by an elaborate decorative surround with a pronounced triangular kokoshnik-style top. On both sides of the main window opening, there are carved panels with symmetrical images of stylized birds (presumably Sirins or Alkonosts) standing on decorative vases. These mythological images traditionally symbolize well-being and protection of the home.

The window opening features a geometric frame pattern with triangular elements in the upper part and fine honeycomb glazing in the lower section. The entire composition of the window surround is executed in light tones with soft pastel shades, creating a contrast with the warm golden color of the log wall.

The decorative framing demonstrates the high craftsmanship of the carvers: it incorporates floral motifs, geometric patterns, and complex curved forms. A characteristic feature is the abundance of small details, beads, and rosettes, emphasizing the value of the window as an important architectural and symbolic element of the facade.

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