Artistic/Oriental, at the same time beige/brown

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Art Nouveau Openwork Wrought Iron Facade Element

#2039. Art Nouveau Openwork Wrought Iron Facade Element

The image shows an elegant decorative metal infill of an arched window or niche in a building facade. The element is crafted using artistic metalwork technique with an ornamental solution characteristic of Art Nouveau or Neoclassical style.

The composition has a symmetrical structure with a pronounced central axis. The upper part features a fan-shaped element resembling a stylized palmette motif, which smoothly transitions into curved lines forming a heart-shaped central part. Particularly noteworthy are the spiral curls arranged around the perimeter of the composition, creating a rhythmic pattern and giving the entire structure lightness and grace.

The metal grille contrasts with the background surface, which has a muted gray hue, enhancing the expressiveness of the openwork pattern. The lower section concludes with a distinctive pedestal or windowsill that balances the composition and serves as a structural foundation for the entire decorative element.

Such decorative elements are often found in architecture from the late 19th to early 20th centuries and serve not only as functional elements protecting window or door openings but also as important artistic accents highlighting the stylistic unity of the facade.

Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"