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Decorative Wrought Iron Grille as an Element of Brick Façade

#15135. Decorative Wrought Iron Grille as an Element of Brick Façade

The image showcases an elegant wrought iron grille on a window of a brick building. This decorative façade element is executed in an artistic style with smooth curved lines and scrolls, creating a complex ornamental pattern.

The wrought iron grille contrasts with the texture of the red brick façade, adding elegance and individuality to the architectural appearance of the building. The window has a traditional form with horizontal blinds behind the glass. The sill area is formed by a brick projection, creating a small architectural accent and giving completeness to the composition.

Such artistic wrought iron elements not only serve a protective function but are also an important decorative component that emphasizes the building's style. In modern façade design of private homes, similar wrought iron grilles can be an excellent way to add individuality to the exterior, especially if they correspond with other decorative elements — gates, balcony railings, or entrance canopies.

Comprehensive design of country houses.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"