Art Nouveau/Gothic, at the same time grey/turquoise

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Historic Colonial Facade with Decorative Parapet and Wrought Iron Balcony

#1226. Historic Colonial Facade with Decorative Parapet and Wrought Iron Balcony

The image showcases a magnificent example of colonial architecture with an expressive facade demonstrating craftsmanship and attention to detail. The upper part of the building is crowned with a decorative parapet featuring a wavy silhouette and characteristic ornamental elements. The central section of the parapet is distinguished by a pediment with a geometric pattern inside a frame and three decorative rosettes on top.

The facade features a two-tone color scheme: light yellow walls contrasting with white architectural elements. The second floor is adorned with an elegant wrought iron balcony with intricate patterns, framing two tall doors with wooden shutters. The supporting elements of the balcony demonstrate skilled carving work.

The architectural decoration includes meticulously crafted elements: relief rosettes, geometric patterns, and floral motifs on cornices and pilasters. Particularly noteworthy are the acanthus leaves at the lower part of the pilasters, characteristic of classical architecture. The first floor also features arched windows with shutters, continuing the rhythmic pattern of the facade.

The entire structure reflects a synthesis of Spanish colonial influences and local architectural traditions, creating a harmonious and balanced example of historical urban development set against a bright blue sky.

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