Artistic/Oriental, at the same time beige/brown

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Dynamic facade with inclined brick planes and cantilevered roof

#11429. Dynamic facade with inclined brick planes and cantilevered roof

We are looking at a striking example of experimental architecture where traditional notions of building form undergo creative reinterpretation. The unusual geometry of the facade with its inclined planes immediately catches the eye, creating a dynamic visual effect. The composition is based on diagonal walls made of brickwork with a distinctive checkerboard pattern, which seem to grow from the ground at an acute angle.

Particularly noteworthy is the contrast between the heavy brick texture and the lightweight metal roof on a cantilevered structure that hovers above the building like a canopy. This roof not only serves the practical function of providing sun protection but also becomes an important compositional element, giving the entire structure a sense of modernity and technological advancement.

The facade solutions demonstrate an interesting play with materials: brickwork with a geometric pattern combines with concrete surfaces, creating a textural contrast. This approach could be noted for private construction — using perforated or patterned masonry as a decorative element can transform even the simplest house. Sloping walls and cantilevered projections, given proper structural solutions, can become an expressive architectural technique, creating a unique building appearance.

The surrounding landscape with low trees and grassy areas complements the architectural composition well, allowing the building to be the main visual accent of the space while harmoniously interacting with the natural environment.

Our studio creates new facades for country houses.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"