Contemporary, at the same time beige

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Dynamic Stone and Wood Facade with Wing-Like Roof

#10300. Dynamic Stone and Wood Facade with Wing-Like Roof

The presented image showcases an impressive modern countryside house executed in a mountain chalet style with pronounced elements of contemporary architecture. The facade represents a masterful combination of natural stone and wood – two materials creating a harmonious dialogue with the surrounding natural landscape.

Special attention deserves the expressive roof geometry with dynamic, upward-reaching slopes resembling outstretched wings. This dramatic architectural gesture gives the building a characteristic silhouette and recognizability. The wide eave overhangs not only serve a protective function but also create an interesting play of shadows on the facade.

The stonework is made of irregularly shaped natural stone, which gives the facade textural richness and tactility. Massive stone columns and chimney become structural and visual dominants of the composition. Wooden finishing elements in warm brown tones soften the brutality of the stone and add elegance to the facade.

Large panoramic windows, organized in a clear geometric grid, provide abundant natural lighting to the interior spaces and a visual connection with the surrounding landscape. A well-thought-out system of stepped terraces and an open patio with soft furniture creates a smooth transition between interior and exterior.

Among the techniques that can be borrowed for your own facade design: contrasting combination of materials (stone/wood), expressive roof silhouette, stepped volume construction, creation of open terraces with soft lighting, use of large glazed surfaces for organizing viewpoints, as well as delicate evening illumination highlighting the architectural merits of the building.

Create a exterior design for country house.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"