Facade Guide

Do you have a facade to finish?
Download the Design Guide

Practical guidelines with illustrations. Free.

Why do i need it:

To quickly dive into the problem and understand what to pay attention to. To have a meaningful dialogue with an architect and make the right decisions.

To learn not only how to feel but also how to think about design. It's a basic fact sheet written by the experts in exterior design.

Who made it up?

Compiled and updated by the Archi.Capital studio architects. We do facades every day. We give away the secrets of our craft.

What will I learn?

Most significant. Here are the key points:
  • - What your facade will say to those around you.
  • - 5 ways to clarify what you want from your facade.
  • - The most important scales of color design.
  • - How to define and find your style.
  • - How to interpret architecture for design.
  • - About exterior ageing.

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