“Archstoyanie” is preparing for its 20th anniversary. The theme of 2025: “My main thing”
From July 25 to 27, 2025, the Nikola-Lenivets Art Park will host the 20th anniversary of the International Festival of Landscape Objects “Archstoyanie”. The curator of the anniversary season will be Vasily Bychkov, CEO of Expo-Park Exhibition Projects and founder of the exhibition-forum Arch Moscow. As part of the exchange of curators, Nikolai Polissky, artistic director of Nikola-Lenivets, will lead the anniversary Arch Moscow.

The theme for 2025 is “My Main Thing”
The festival once again offers visitors to distract themselves from the city noise and immerse themselves in the world of their own reflections. For three days Nikola-Lenivets will turn into an “inner city” without borders, where art objects, installations and architectural forms will become part of the conventional urban structure. For the first time at the festival there will be libraries, a university, a museum and even a circus, symbolizing universality and freedom of creativity.

Open Call: “Field of My Dreams” contest
To mark the festival's anniversary, a competition has been announced for the creation of a large-scale art object that will be the culmination of a journey through the metaphorical city. The unique installation should be a two-mode installation with spectacular day and night decoration. It will be installed on a 13-hectare field near the iconic Rotunda.

Conditions for participation:
Architects, artists, designers and creatively active people over the age of 18 are invited to participate.
Applications will be accepted until January 20, 2025.

The winner will receive a prize of 300,000 rubles and a grant of 2,000,000 rubles to implement the project.