Building blocks from algae, tiles from recycled ceramics and glass from clam shells. What's new in the area of innovative materials

Developing a new material now, is not only about inventing something new, but also about knowing how to combine the existing, recycle, reduce emissions and get an effective result.

Bio-concrete from Prometheus Materials is based on blue-green microalgae. When it comes into contact with water, carbon dioxide and sunlight, a material similar to a coral reef is produced. Then aggregate is added and the alternative to concrete is ready. The strength of the material is about 13.8 mPa. At the same time carbon emissions during production are reduced by 90%.

Currently, research and tests are being conducted in a pilot project, and in the near future the company is preparing to release a whole line of products using the patented technology - building blocks, building mixes and roofing coatings.

Prometheus Materials blocks

The research group for architectural structures and structural engineering of the Balearic Islands Institute tackled the issue of using ceramics as a recycled product so that it could get a new life cycle.

The result was a aggregate with 85% crushed ceramics + recycled stone, 15% stabilized with white cement.

Recycling ceramics into paving tiles.
Recycling ceramics into paving slabs.

This material has high hygroscopicity and strength, low carbon footprint. It is suitable for use in construction and repair, with the only limitation being heavy loads. Thus, paving stones can serve as an environmentally friendly surface for pedestrian networks and non-motorized road traffic.

Recycling ceramics into paving tiles.

The basis for the production of glass in the project of Lulu Harrison, were "quagga" - clams, which due to human activities have entered the places not typical of their habitat and displace traditional species.

Glass specimens created from clam shells.
In the created collection "Thames Glass" (Thames Glass), each sample of tile is unique, it is handmade and has a unique hue and pattern.
Together with the Bureau de Change they are working on the question of the suitability of this material for facade decoration.
Practical issues of "The Secrets of Beautiful Facades"